4500 – 1200 B.C.
Megalithic Europe is known for its mysterious stone structures, like Stonehenge in England and Skara Brae in Scotland. These ancient monuments were built thousands of years ago and continue to intrigue historians and archaeologists. The people of this time used large stones, called megaliths, to create tombs, ceremonial sites, and even early villages. Though much about these ancient builders remains unknown, their impressive achievements in construction and community organization left a lasting mark on Europe’s prehistoric landscape.
Picture books
Chapter books
Non-fiction books
Where is Stonehenge?
Excellent intro to Stonehenge and Megalithic Europe
Time Travel Guides: The Stone Age and Skara Brae
“Travel guide” to Stone Age life and Skara Brae with artifacts and historical details
Skara Brae
Detailed exploration of Skara Brae with great photos
If Stones Could Speak: Unlocking Secrets of Stonehenge
Award-winning archeological exploration of Stonehenge